Image via Drinkbox Studios

While you lot can level up your forms in Nobody Saves the World, you won't realize each form'south full potential unless you upgrade its abilities with Upgrade Tokens. Y'all can use tokens to improve abilities' restorative properties, damage output, and cooldown times. Thankfully, Upgrade Tokens are also fairly easy to come by. You're rewarded with them for each dungeon you complete, and given the vast amount of dungeons present throughout the game, racking them up shouldn't be too big of an ordeal. Enemies will also occasionally driblet a token upon decease, simply this seems a relatively rare drib.

Alternatively, you tin buy packs of five Upgrade Tokens from any of the game's merchants for $ane,000. However, this method is rather plush. The corporeality y'all would spend is roughly half of the amount you'd typically loot from a dungeon. Furthermore, considering that merchants sell permanent stat buffs, you're probably meliorate off spending your money on those.

To apply Upgrade Tokens, open up the bill of fare and navigate to the Upgrade tab, which has an icon of an arrow pointing upward. On this screen, you'll be able to view all available upgrades for each class. Information technology should exist noted that just because you take enough tokens to buy an upgrade for a particular ability doesn't mean that you will be able to upgrade that ability right away. Many upgrades require y'all to get your forms to a sure rank, in addition to paying a sure amount of upgrade tokens.

Screenshot past Gamepur